How much does it cost to start a brand? 🀯

Have you ever wondered how much it would cost to start your own brand? This handy brand launch cost calculator can help. Find out how much it will cost to start your dream brand β€” in less than a minute.

What type of brand are you looking to build?

How nice will your brands look and feel be?

How many products do you plan to launch with?

What is the minimum inventory per product you plan to purchase?

What is the quality of photography you plan to use?

How do you plan to ship?

Do you plan to offer your customers recurring subscriptions for your product?

Where do you plan to sell?

Select all that apply

What tools do you plan to use at launch?

Select all that apply

How do you plan to generate early brand awareness?

Select all that apply

Jimmy Fallon building tension with a drumroll

Ready to see how much this will cost?